Dr. Tom McKechnie started praying about how Teach To Transform could help others after hearing stories of survivors who endured physical and sexual assault and stories of people who had witnessed their family members being murdered. Through a divine appointment he met Kristy Robison, a Louisville-based clinical mental health counselor specializing in trauma. With Kristy's help, TTT launched its Emotional Trauma Healing Training of Trainers (TOT) in Nigeria in the Spring of 2023. This training system is based on the principles outlined in Kristy's book, Broken Whole, and is designed to help those who have survived traumatic experiences to find healing and hope in Jesus.
Teaching Topics
TTT's Emotional Trauma Healing TOT aids individuals in their journey to healing through learning and practicing Biblical principles and using therapeutic tools. We believe what trauma destroys, Jesus can and does restore. In our training, Kristy walks students through the science of trauma, the grief journey, and nine steps to healing.

Worldwide people are struggling to move forward after traumatic experiences such as loss, abuse, persecution and war. Many of the church planters, evangelists, and missionaries that we have the privilege of meeting need the care and support of the church. Students of our Emotional Trauma Healing TOT use what they learn to minister to those suffering from trauma in their communities and churches. They also use this training as a tool to spread the Gospel during their missionary work.
Making A Difference
Kristy began to see real impact shortly after the trainings began: "women saying they feel they have a purpose for the first time, blood pressures and health issues diminishing, people forgiving those who have deeply hurt them, pastors committing to take this to the seminaries and starting groups, and pastors repenting of hidden struggles. God has definitely done immeasurably more than we could have ever asked or imagined."

Get Involved
Click the link below to learn more about our upcoming Emotional Trauma Care trips and how you can get involved.