West Africa 2023
Approximately 120 missionaries were trained with medical missions in the Spring of 2023 in West Africa when Teach to Transform partnered with Centre for Good News, International African Mobilization, and Team Expansion in Ghana and the Global Missions Board, Nigerian Baptist Convention in Nigeria. These individuals will be using the medical skills they received to share the Gospel throughout West and Central Africa.

Emotional Trauma & Healing Training of Trainers
TTT introduced its newest module, Emotional Trauma & Healing Training of Trainers, in West Africa in 2023, training 50 Nigerians. This module is designed to help people move forward after traumatic experiences such as loss, abuse, persecution and war. It aids individuals in their journey to healing through applicable instruction where learning and practicing Biblical principles is emphasized and therapeutic tools are recommended. This module helps bring healing to the church planters, evangelists, and missionaries working with TTT, as well as being a resource they can use to share the Gospel.

Student Spotlight
Meet Isaac. When he was a child he grew up in a household where his father was Muslin and his mother worshiped ancestral spirits and idols. Both parents wanted Isaac to follow their religion and he grew up very confused. When he was 26, a missionary couple came to his town and he heard about Jesus and accepted Him as his Lord and Savior. Isaac's parents were not happy with his decision and on two different occasions tried to have him killed for his beliefs.
On the first occasion, Isaac's parents sent two men with machetes to kill him. Isaac asked the men if he could tell them his story before they killed him and they agreed. When he was finished the men laid down their weapons and one even gave his life to Christ.
The second time his parents tried to kill him, they sent the town chief with twenty men armed with machetes and clubs. Isaac asked them why they thought it took twenty men to kill one unarmed man. The attackers were embarrassed and the chief told Isaac he could leave as long as he quit telling others about Jesus. Isaac left, but later returned to the village and continued to evangelize and share the love of Christ.
Today, Isaac has his own disciple making ministry called IAM, International African Mobilization. He recently brought 13 of the 50+ students that we trained in Ghana and continues to spread the Gospel throughout Sub-Saharan Africa despite the persecution he has faced for his beliefs. He is an amazing man of God!
On the first occasion, Isaac's parents sent two men with machetes to kill him. Isaac asked the men if he could tell them his story before they killed him and they agreed. When he was finished the men laid down their weapons and one even gave his life to Christ.
The second time his parents tried to kill him, they sent the town chief with twenty men armed with machetes and clubs. Isaac asked them why they thought it took twenty men to kill one unarmed man. The attackers were embarrassed and the chief told Isaac he could leave as long as he quit telling others about Jesus. Isaac left, but later returned to the village and continued to evangelize and share the love of Christ.
Today, Isaac has his own disciple making ministry called IAM, International African Mobilization. He recently brought 13 of the 50+ students that we trained in Ghana and continues to spread the Gospel throughout Sub-Saharan Africa despite the persecution he has faced for his beliefs. He is an amazing man of God!
Student Spotlight
When Adam felt God calling him to be an evangelist, he also felt a yearning to help widows and orphans. As part of his training, he worked with an organization called Samaritan's Strategy. During this time, he heard God's call again to help widows and orphans. He asked, "Why me, Lord?" He was surrounded by a Muslim culture which basically abandoned widows when their husbands died. Their own families would not take them in or help them. Sometimes they were even accused of being witches.
Adam's call was strong so he started with 4 widows in 1 village. Today he works with widows in 16 communities and more than 200 widows have become Followers of Jesus. These widows, in turn, strive to teach their children to also follow Jesus. Adam followed God's call and the result is that these communities will be changed forever for the glory of God. He plans to use the knowledge he gained at our Ghana training to help all of the communities he serves. He also hopes to share his new skills with others, including widows, so that God's name will be glorified.
Adam's call was strong so he started with 4 widows in 1 village. Today he works with widows in 16 communities and more than 200 widows have become Followers of Jesus. These widows, in turn, strive to teach their children to also follow Jesus. Adam followed God's call and the result is that these communities will be changed forever for the glory of God. He plans to use the knowledge he gained at our Ghana training to help all of the communities he serves. He also hopes to share his new skills with others, including widows, so that God's name will be glorified.

Southeast Asia 2022
Teach to Transform partnered with the Banjara Project in India to equip missionaries with medical skills they can use to share the Gospel with neighboring villages.
Missionaries trained by TTT were able to reach entire families in remote villages using the medical skills they received through our trainings.